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Category: Cats


Posted on December 23, 2007 in Cats Video

What else do these people use the paddles for?

Mean Kitty Song

Posted on December 18, 2007 in Cats Video


Posted on October 22, 2007 in Cats Santiago Fire

square389There’s a ~slight~ odor that reminds you of the times Daddy put meat on flames in the summer. But this is indoors. Has he decided to make a tasty chicken or fish in the kitchen instead of on the deck? Then the little black box sings. Daddy picks it up. Yabbers. Goes to the room where they stare at those white boxes for hours at a time. Stares at one of the boxes for a minute or two. Then opens the closet. Now this is getting interesting because you don’t get to see the inside of this very often. What’s he got there? Why is he grabbing those two big, cream-colored boxes, the ones that smell of cats? He takes them out to the front room and suddenly grabs your sister, crams her in one. Then he tries to grab you.

You run up the stairs, round the couch twice and then back down, under the dining room table. He started off shouting at you, but then his voice turned quiet so you knew something was up and it has to do with getting you inside the other box. Then his hands come down, grab the scruff on the back of your neck, and try to force you into the other open box. But you’re going to fix him. Without so much as a scratch or a bite, you push yourself out of his grip, shake free of his hands. Then you disappear. He goes upstairs seeking you while you dissolve into the room with the white boxes at which they like to stare.

Outside, he is closing doors. He closes the bathroom, the bedroom, and the office door. You can hear him open each again in turn, fumble around looking for you. Ah, you have him. He has no idea where you are. You crouch beneath the tiny green chair that smells of generations of cats, confident that you have eluded him. The door to the room opens. You can hear your sister squeaking plaintively. What is he doing? Is he taking you to the Evil One with the Needle? You stay put. If you don’t move…

There’s the slightest flap of the fabric, your hiding place rises up around you, and you are exposed. Dash. Down the hall. Up the stairs with him in hot pursuit. You draw your tail behind the box of CDs and VCRs beneath the television set, hoping that he will not discern your retreat. But he pushes the box back, denying you space. You dash out and go round and round the couch again, down the stairs and into the bathroom, which is the only door he has left open.

Now he has one of his jackets in hand, one that wreaks of his sweat. He tries to net you in this and you nearly evade it. But one of the throws catches you. He wraps you up inside for all of a second. Ah, but you are the most nimble of cats and you are out of it in seconds. You hear the door close behind you as he stomps after you. It’s back up the stairs and around the couch some more times. Then comes the fatal decision. First you make a feint of going down the stairs but in reality you go around the couch. He bears down on you while you take a breather on a small tongue that sticks out from the loft. You break his grip and do the same routine except this time you go down the stairs. He’s out of breath. You stop. Then he pounces and shoves you into the box, snaps the door shut. You are caught and for the rest of the afternoon you whine pathetically while he drags things out of corners and shoves clothes into suitcases. Mommy comes home and she does nothing to free you from this unexpected captivity.

They even have the nerve to leave you for a few hours. Late in the evening, they take the cages into the room where they stare at the white boxes, lay out your food and your water, and free you. Now you’re stuck here watching them in their strange infatuation. Your sister, Fiona, has forgiven these louts but you’ve crawled under the desk and you’re not going to show them the least affection. They have sinned against you for no reason. You will not come out.

Except your sister throws up and you rush out to devour the pieces before she can eat them herself.


War on Terrier: Cat Boxing

Posted on September 11, 2007 in Cats War on Terrier

Felines learn hand to hand fighting skills in basic training.


Counterattack of the Cat Videos

Posted on May 2, 2007 in Cats

Yes, I found more. Just a few. OK, only three and a link to a web site.

  1. Singing Cat
  2. Nora the Singing Cat (who doesn’t sing as far as I can see)
  3. Nora the Piano Playing Cat (on this point she delivers)
  4. Ravenswing Studios



The Last of the Lost

Posted on May 1, 2007 in Cats

square263Mission Viejo squinted from beneath a silver hat at the sea as I rode shotgun back from dinner. I’d given up on Virginia. The days of imagining her mew, seeing her on the deck were over. We’d pasted our last posters on the other side of Santiago Canyon Road, redid a few that had come off in the wind. Talked to neighbors who’d seen the posters but not the cat. Chased down a few leads and saw nothing.

I shoved all of this out of my head as we wound our way through the condominium complex and into our garage. A neighbor who works as a vet tech unloaded sports equipment from her call. I talked to her about our lost baby. Then climbed the stairs to our loft….

No, this is not a story with a happy ending.

I’m left with trying to understand why, despite a dearth of moisture over the winter months, two of my cactuses sport crowns of red and pink flowers.



Attack of the Cat Videos!

Posted on April 30, 2007 in Cats Humor?

If you have a mood to improve and the time for a few videos, here you go:

* These are to notify my wife that she hasn’t seen these yet.



War on Terrier – Covert Operations

Posted on April 29, 2007 in Cats War on Terrier


A member of the Feline Intelligence Agency (FIA) prepares for the infiltration of the office of the Terrier in Chief.

[tags]cats,photos,war on terrier,humor[/tags]


A Shadow of Someone Else’s Pet?

Posted on April 22, 2007 in Cats

It seems that we may not be chasing our Virginia Mew at all, but shadows belonging to other people.


On a Hillside Planted with Brambles

Posted on April 18, 2007 in Cats

square251We followed up another sighting tonight. A Bulgarian gentleman who lives in a condominium complex where we received previous reports said that he’d seen her on the prowl. The call came just as Lynn came home from a technical professional society meeting. She found me grabbing all the catfood, the treats, a flashlight, and the pet carrier for the run down the hill.

When we got there, we spread out over a hillside planted with local brambles and a few parking lots where she might have been hiding under a car. I scrambled on my hands and knees shining the light. Then I crossed the hillside, noticing tiny pinecones and a scarlet flower shaped something like a honeysuckle. But no tracks or scat.

“We know there’s a black cat down here,” I said to Lynn. I would just like to confirm that it is ours. I pointed out an area that we had not yet postered — no harm in increasing the number of eyes on the watch.

The Bulgarian took an interest because he once owned a black cat. He reported that she was muscular and in good health if very timid. She’s started a regular track around the complex, it seems. All we have to do is be there for the appearance — if only she kept to a clock.

I remain cautious: this may be a different cat. Not until I have caught and examined it for a certain mark will I be sure that we caught her. If she lets us get that close.

For the record, the icon does not depict Virginia Mew, but Fiona Phosphor the Rotund. It just came up.


Separated by The Hours

Posted on April 15, 2007 in Cats

From my journal

square250I wish the cat that disappeared last week knew how much my heart was broken. I hold her in my hands, a memory as small and potent as the tiny kitten who slept in my coat pocket on the first cold December days of our life together. She does not hear me or come when I call. My poor baby: in your brave adventure do you realize what you have lost?



Prowling Like a Cat for A Cat

Posted on April 13, 2007 in Cats Neighborhood

square247The stretch of Saddleback Ranch Road running between the school and its intersection with Ridgeline became excruciatingly longer after we posted several “Lost: Black Cat” signs. What usually disappeared with a little pressure on the gas pedal took us five to ten minutes to pass. Even as the clock approached midnight, cars and pickups zoomed by at a rate of about two per minute. In between the engine noise, we listened in the silence for a petite meow. Our baby, Virginia Mew, remained lost.

Yesterday I ran into a man who said he’d seen a strange black cat on Monday morning. Tonight, we combed that area and plastered the stop signs with signs. I whistled for it using a formula we hadn’t used since we moved from northern California. We never did need to call her. The scent of food or the snap of a cat food can lid brought her out of her hiding places. What could we use to bring her forth?

Sites suggested that we hang posters everywhere we could think of, call vets and visit the animal shelter. In the meantime, we were welcome to walk the streets and make noises that might make our neighbors anxious or mirthful.

When I whistled the “here kitty” jingle, someone whislted back at me. “I’m trying to find my cat,” I begged. “Please don’t do that.”

Padding the streets only exhausted our supply of posters and tapes. Virginia Mew remains at large and I despair of ever seeing her again. Someone called on the phone and hung up before I could answer. Was it a wrong number, a prankster, or someone who got my answering machine with news of my kitten and who decided to call back later? In the dark, when it is quiet, I go out to the deck and whistle. Out there she must be listening. Do I do it often enough or loud enough?

And when will my neighbor get home?

[tags]cats, Southern California, Orange County[/tags]


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