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Category: Hatred

Mental Illness and the Follies of Our Enemies

Posted on April 23, 2010 in Hatred Liberals & Progressives Stigma Terminology

Stop saying that Michelle Bachmann is insane. She’s not anything like me.

The “Madman” in Austin

Posted on February 23, 2010 in Hatred Journalists & Pundits Stigma Terminology Terrorism

If I start threatening these people with violence or if I bomb their homes and offices, you may call me a terrorist, too.

A Goy Named Joel

Posted on February 18, 2010 in Hatred

He said: “Now you just fought one hell of a fight
And I know you hate me, and you got the right
To kill me now, and I wouldn’t blame you if you do.
But ya ought to thank me, before I die,
For the gravel in ya guts and the spit in ya eye
Cause I’m the son-of-a-bitch that named you “Sue.'”

square634The dragon-scaled back ring of the telephone invited one of my dorm mates into the hall. He then knocked on my door and I began the conversation. The rabbi for the Claremont Colleges had seen my name in the Pomona College directory and wondered why I hadn’t been coming to synagogue. I chuckled slightly and said “Well, it’s because I’m not Jewish. I was raised Roman Catholic.” He took it in good stride, said a few jovial words, and let me go back to my homework. It made for an interesting anecdote for sharing around the dinner table in the days to come.

A couple of weeks ago on Facebook, someone saw my name in a political discussion and began excoriating me for Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. I told the miscreant that he had no clue who I was and what I was about and left it there. It was only after a week of letting the incident mellow inside a fold of my brain that I realized that he’d made the same mistake that the rabbi had made: Joel Sax had to be Jewish.

When accused of it now, I tend to answer the taunt as Charlie Chaplin once did: “I don’t have the honor.” In my life, I have also been accused of being gay. My wife can confirm that I am not. A different tale deserves to be remarked upon here: once in my freshman year, I went to the school counseling center after hours because I was fringing on suicidiality. I happened to walk in on a meeting of the Gay Student Association. A young man pulled me aside and listened to me — without trying to seduce me or win me over to the cause ((so there, homophobes)) . That little piece of kindness mattered a lot to me then and I also recalled how it felt to be hounded for being gay even though I was not.

I’ve come to the conclusion that to be the object of hatreds for which I am undeserving has given me a unique insight into the pointlessness of racism, antisemitism, homophobia, etc. All that venom arises for no good reason at all as far as i can see. Perhaps it is an experience that more people need to go through. It’s easy to be outraged for being hated for the things that we can be rightly classed at, but you don’t get the absurdity of it as it affects others until you have been hated for that which you are not. I think most Americans live pleasant little lives in which they are never challenged by finding themselves outside their group of comfort. I see myself as having been blessed or lucky. All this experience has made me more compassionate and strong. Dare I pity those who have no clue?


One Day, No Hate

Posted on October 6, 2009 in Hatred Reading

square613Today is One Day, No Hate, a cause that some of us have taken up by avoiding political discussion on Twitter and Facebook — me, included. This means not engaging in political discussion or any of the playful banter which I am noted for.

The netival ((Neologism that you first saw here. Meaning “net festival”.)) has led me to crack Eric Hoffer’s [amazonify]0060505915:align:text:bycommandofemper:width:height:The True Believer[/amazonify] and uncover this relevant passage:

There is perhaps no surer way of infecting ourselves with virulent hatred toward a person than by doing him an injustice. That others have a just grievance against us is a more potent reason for hating them than that we have a just grievance against them. We do not make people humble and meek when we show them their guilt and cause them to be ashamed of themselves. We are more likely to stir their arrogance and rouse in them a reckless aggressiveness. Self-righteousness is a loud din raised to drown the voice of guilt within us.

There is a guilty conscience behind every brazen word and act and behind every manifestation of self-righteousness.

To wrong those we hate is to add fuel to our hatred. Conversely, to treat an enemy with magnamity is to blunt our hatred for him. (p. 96)

The Twitter hashtag for this is #1Day0Hate


Team White

Posted on September 8, 2009 in Equality Hatred

Training against racism is like toilet training. It’s something every parent must do.

square604People are going to grab onto the latest study out of the University of Texas and declare “See. Racism is natural.” This conclusion is based on a scientific fact: children tend to bond with those who are like them. Clothe some children in red shirts and others in blue shirts, they will insist that those who wear the same shirt color as they wear bear certain superior qualities. They like to segregate.

This could be the basis of hate, Newsweek thinks, but we’re left with a problem: how come some people rose above it all before the emancipation of the slaves and the civil rights movement? One study has an interesting conclusion:

Of all those Vittrup told to talk openly about interracial friendship, only six families managed to actually do so. And, for all six, their children dramatically improved their racial attitudes in a single week. Talking about race was clearly key. Reflecting later about the study, Vittrup said, “A lot of parents came to me afterwards and admitted they just didn’t know what to say to their kids, and they didn’t want the wrong thing coming out of the mouth of their kids.”

I’m very suspicious of studies which say we’re doomed because of our nature. The Newsweek article carries that theme heavily in its headline. But the real story is more complicated: we choose based on who we’re around. White kids are fine with black people if they are around black people. It’s the message that gets passed on to them that matters.

I went to a racially integrated junior high and high school. I was attacked by black kids twice. This is the obsession of white parents — that blacks have switchblades that they will use to gut you. But I was bullied and attacked by white kids many more times. Where teachers and administrators leave the handling of violence to the kids, bullying is going to happen regardless of the races. My own experience — and that of many others — is that people tend to bully those of their own race.

It’s a bit like the plot of A Soldier’s Story — members of a group try to enforce their idea of group loyalty on “their own”. In the eyes of the whites who attacked me, I was a wimp because I would not hit back. That I didn’t believe in race hatred (an idea that I developed in spite of my parents who while not Klansmen still reveled in their own milder kind of hatred) made me a further pariah. I had to be set in line and if that didn’t work, culled. I remember even then how so-called Christians believed in the concept of racial inferiority because of their interpretations of the Bible. They would be civil and even kind towards the blacks they knew. But among whites, they would come out as haters. I have no doubt how they voted in school elections.

There’s this whole team idea that comes into play. On its most benign level, it’s the high school football or basketball game. You are one with the team no matter what color they are. But there’s still this animosity that gets encouraged against members of other teams that can reinforce racism when a white team from the suburbs plays a black inner city one. There’s a tendency to step it up to higher levels. Republicans obviously see themselves as still involved in a huge game in which they must destroy the Democrats at all costs. Team America is busy hunting down the Taliban in Afghanistan. And a large chunk of ignorant whites continue to hate blacks.

Maybe the discrimination of differences isn’t so bad. Maybe it is all right for whites to prefer whites and blacks to prefer blacks, to make their own cultures. Diversity is founded on that principle. But I think the root of the problem is this: We’re not in a big high school death match. We’re not required to think that the other team is Evil Incarnate — to be excluded, kept down, defeated, obliterated. Do we really need to see everything we do as a competition?

Enough of teams, I say, and up with people. Accept that everyone gets a place in our society that is largely their choice tempered by their abilities. Team White is still caught in the old thinking. It’s time that it reforms and learns the new plays.


Anti-Health Care Thugs

Posted on August 4, 2009 in Culture Wars Hatred Insurance

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square591The name of the game is intimidation. The evidence is in: lobbyists for the health care industry are promoting disruption in an attempt to stop us from enjoying the same quality of health care insurance as is enjoyed by millions in other civiilized countries. Their goal is to prevent any kind of conversation from occurring because they know that they are losing the arguments!

What can we do? One thing is to track the lobbyists back to their lairs and hector them at every turn. Shake them up like they are shaking up elected officials. The scenes you have seen from around the country are not spontaneous: they are organized and their leaders PAID. Expose them at every turn. Demand that the media stop covering their protests. Turn the cameras back to us.

Second, use disorderly conduct laws to throw a few of these loons into jail. Let their friends in the lobbying firms pay to have them released. Enough fines might be incentive for them to stop.

And stand up for health care at every turn. Shout back. Point out that they are the victims of RACISM: the corporatists think they are a bunch of gullible hacks who will do anything they ask for nothing. When they go to the country clubs, the race-baiters and disruptors LAUGH at these white people. Remind them of that.

Remember that these people aren’t just out to stop health care: they are out to steal America after decisively losing an election. Appeal to the silent majority of whites, blacks, Asians, Latinos, men, and women to not let these hypocrites — the ones who gloated when Bush stole the 2000 election — destroy our commons, the commons of free speech and intelligent debate.


The Invasion

Posted on January 5, 2009 in Hatred War

square531The masterstroke of late 20th century Right — which defines itself, in part, to be proactive meaning pro-War, — was to embrace Israel and set it against Palestine so that it could slough off blame for the Holocaust. “That was Nazi Germany” the corporatist arms dealer will say as he goes about his business of arming his clients beyond all reason and rhetorically attacking those who call their actions against civilian populations war crimes. Like the Fascist, the Neo-Conservative does not make a distinction between soldiers and noncombatants, at least not one that will change his tactics of using high-explosives against civilian neighborhoods. He will always call for violent retribution unhindered by rules of war because that, he claims, is what his enemies do.

Many Israelis — and many Americans for that matter — are not aware of the degree to which they have been co-opted. I would call the majority of them not jingoists at all, but decent people who want peace with their Palestinian neighbors. The present leadership has abrogated negotiations ((The Bush Administration has put no pressure on them to do otherwise and it has blocked Security Council resolutions to end the fighting.)) and told its citizenry that they must “preempt” the Palestinian threat. This does not assuage the other side ((Supporters of the Palestinian cause have increased their rhetoric against the very existence of the nation of Israel. This invasion lessens the security of Israel. What has anyone done to pursue other means of resolving the conflict? The United States has cheered on the warring and done nothing to check the expansion into the West Bank. It has the power to ameliorate the threat against Israel by diplomatic means, but it laughs at these.)) . They, too, have addicts to never-ending war among them though they are weaker. The arms merchants are happy, some feel safer, but children die.

Right now, our aim must be to stop this invasion and resume the peace process that has lain in suspension for eight years.

The military industrial complex which feeds off these tensions has extended its tendrils into places like the U.S. Congress where it waves the flag and invents powerful enemies to keep itself in business. We are stuck with it in our lives and there’s no clear way for us to disentangle ourselves. But we must try.


The Greatest of These is Love

Posted on October 11, 2008 in Campaign 2008 Hatred Sexuality

square490Proposition 8 is an attempt to make gay marriage unconstitutional in the state of California. It’s close and we need everyone voting to pull that lever against it.

There are a lot of gongs ringing for the measure. Fill yourself with compassion for those who love and see it through to ensure that it does not pass.


The Racism and the Experience Things

Posted on September 27, 2008 in Campaign 2008 Hatred

square483Most of you probably weren’t even born when John F. Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon in 1960. I was only two years old myself, but I remember my mother telling me about how nasty the attacks got from people who were certain that the Irish-Catholic Kennedy would sell us as slaves of the Pope. It was a significant number and it made the election close.

Today, the idea of not voting for a man because he was Catholic would seem peculiar to most peoples’ minds. Yet back then there were many people who found the idea repulsive ~and for no other reason~ voted against JFK. Kennedy, as you know from your history books, went on to become one of the most brilliant and insightful men ever to fill the presidency.

Here are a few other parallels:

  • He wrote his own books (unlike McCain who always employs a ghostwriter) — one of which won him the Pulitzer Prize
  • His opponent said that he "lacked experience" to do the job and made it a cornerstone of his campaign.
  • He graduated from Harvard.
  • He was good-looking
  • He possessed a devilish wit.
  • He beat his opponent in debate and RMN was miles smarter than John McCain

Another person who was said to "lack experience" was Franklin D. Roosevelt. Another was Abraham Lincoln. Are you beginning to see a pattern here?

James Buchanan, Lincoln’s predecessor, was top-heavy with credentials. And the nation fell into civil war because he bungled things so badly — it is ~he~ who formerly held the title of Worst President before Bush.

It’s coming time to realize that substance means more than paper “experience ” and to make not voting for a candidate because he is black peculiar.


Agave Jihad

Posted on September 8, 2007 in Hatred Spirituality and Being

square343Yes, it is true that I have toasted a particular sector of atheists lately for their cherry-picking arguments with Christians, but here’s an account of two Christians with atheists for neighbors who have received a revelation that the neighbors — as epitomized in their [[agave|agaves]] — are manifestations of the [[antichrist]]. Let’s subtitle this “cactus torture“.

Also read this.

You don’t do stuff like this to an agave even if you are making [[tequila]].



The Minority Group Forbidden to Speak for Itself

Posted on April 23, 2007 in Hatred Stigma

If you follow the blogs of bipolar and borderline sufferers, you’ll have noticed something: we haven’t been commenting on what happened.


Take PH off the Air at KSFO

Posted on January 7, 2007 in Courage & Activism Hatred Media

Where there’s a wrong, there’s a wrong.

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