Home - 2002 (Page 36)

Year: 2002

You know, for once I saw this coming….

Posted on August 20, 2002 in Pointers Quizzes

what’s your order?

If Tuesday Disappears

Posted on August 20, 2002 in Site News

Don’t worry. It just means that you’ve stumbled into my new server at Glowhost.

I had a heck of a time getting things changed. Foolishly, I used an email address that I never check for my contact. I had to make some calls, fill out some forms, sign some documents, attach a picture ID, declare before all creation that I was the original Joel Sax owner of notfrisco2.com, write out a check, and wink at the older woman who ran the fax machine down at the mailbox place over in Mission Viejo. I suppose it made her day. There were nothing but geezers and salesmen who had their company logos sewn into their work shirts hanging around. She must have been bored.

While I was waiting, I found two humorous signs that I liked:

You may steal this sticker.You may steal this sticker.

AC Repairman

Posted on August 20, 2002 in Weather

I’ve got the AC repairman over here at last, plugging off portions of my cooling system and pressurizing them to see what pops. Now and then a heavy thud or a hollow bang reverberates down from the attic or up from under the deck. He finishes and hands me a sheet with several numbers indicating various psi’s — pounds per square inch. Now we just wait to see what blows.


Nothing quite this dramatic

Posted on August 20, 2002 in Weather

The actual rainfall or fog drip barely wet the sidewalks. No puddles stand in the aftermath of our August storm.


You can rest assured….

Posted on August 19, 2002 in IRC/Chat

[19:56] <mimi> great. he believes in enforcing channel policy. he wrote it
[19:56] <EmperorNorton> Great. He will probably agree that you are being especially draconian and making me jump through unnecessary hoops.


Funny. I feel more like garlic

Posted on August 19, 2002 in Quizzes

what’s your inner flower?
[c] s u g a r d
e w



Posted on August 19, 2002 in Gratitude

Thanks to those who have linked to my blog so far: Dykewrite (including Grey Bird and Techfluid), Reconstructed Mind, VA Spider, and LA Blogs.

If I’ve left someone out, please let me know and I will be happy to acknowledge your kindness. To add me to your blogroll: Blogroll Me!


Neat Divisions

Posted on August 19, 2002 in Thinking

Can we live comfortably in a world of the mind where we can’t tell the apples from the oranges?


Viva La Nonviolent Revolution!

Posted on August 18, 2002 in Citizenship Peace Social Justice

…if you want to help a terrorist, the best thing you can do in his book is install more draconian measures.


Stand back! I’m all ready for my NEW CAREER!

Posted on August 17, 2002 in Whimsies

I’ve picked up a secret component vital to my upcoming success in the north Hollywood film industry. From now on, I shall be known onscreen as Chad Steele. My partner for this venture is Rhonda Carerra.

Do you need a new name to launch your success in pornographic videos? Go to http://www.mypornname.com/ and pick one up. No, this isn’t one of those where you enter the name of your first pet and the street on which you were born. This is better.

I mean, really: Does “Bingo Voorhees” sound worthy of the Prozac Eunuch version of John Holme to you?



Posted on August 17, 2002 in Site News

Relocation of notfrisco2.com has begun. If this goes well, Alsirat and notfrisco.com will follow. Those who have blogrolled me and have set up their code to mark changed logs will start being notified of changes as they happen. Also look for a transfer of my blogs (one by one) to Moveable Type. I’m already scheming to create new photo galleries for Paths of Light and a regular photo journal.

This should also end the comments problem I’ve been having with Enetation and let people get their revenge on me by calling up Trackback.

Relocation may cause some of you to miss posts until the InterNet catches up with my domain change. (24 to 72 hours from approximately 15:00 hours on Saturday, August 17 2002, Pacific Daylight Time.) Don’t worry. I will continue to regularly update and you will eventually get to see what the Net has been hiding from you.


Out of the Mailbox

Posted on August 17, 2002 in Mailbox

Once a month or so, I think I should do what I did a few weeks ago and give people a sampling of the garbage that makes it past the spam-killer filter. This is for history’s sake, so the grandchildren of the next generation can see how hard life was for us poor, techno-maddened products of the mid-twentieth century:

  • Need Leads – Sales? Here’s A Solution
  • CIBRES Article: Disaster Recovery Planning
  • Life Insurance – Why Pay More?
  • How To Get Hundreds Of Fresh Leads
  • Get great prices on magazines
  • Buy stocks for $4 and win miles on Alaska Airlines (But Enron isn’t worth $4!)
  • r.e.: Are You Overwhelmed in Debt? (Should I send this to Lizza?)
  • MasterCard or Visa – You Choose (American Express.)
  • Garden Ornaments (Gnomes and Pink Flamingos!)
  • A Vacation on us! (I hope you’re truly huge)
  • Re: You have won!
  • It only takes a few sprays a day.
  • Save $240! Polaroid Digital Camera Only $39.95 TODAY!!
  • Legal identification
  • Viagra – Xenical – Phentermine, and more!
  • The 18 Warning Signs That Tell You When To Dump A Stock. (1. Republicans steal the presidential election….)
  • Hey big boy! (Is this the result of Bush opening up medical files to marketers? I’m 6’4″)
  • Your date is waiting

Put the words “penis” and “breast” into your kill file and it’s amazing how much spam you eliminate.

I have no faith in the “remove me” links. Went to one today and got a “Cannot Find Server” error.

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