Home - 2002 - August (Page 6)

Month: August 2002


Posted on August 11, 2002 in Dreams

I go for a walk around a marsh along the edge of a low, white city to ponder a snatch of a dream that keeps coming back to me. The Boy Scouts want me to keep showing up. They like my family tent. They insist that I come to their camporees even though I don’t like them because my tent has plenty of room. It gets musty with age and they buy their own. They abandon their interest in me. Tell me to go away. That is the dream I remember as I cross a wooden bridge and get out onto a street. Some kids come along, mostly boys, dressed like kids dressed in the seventies. No skin heads among them. I go down the hill (this is a dream and it is perfectly natural for one to suddenly appear) and meet two, tall, Australian aborigines. They have spears tipped with silver daggers. The aborigines throw their spears at some trees and gesture at the boys. This enrages the children. They chase one of the aborigines into a thickly forested fenced lot. The other stays on the street and heaves his spear at the mob massing around his partner. He runs down the hill and I follow him. I think about what I will say when I get to a gas station with a telephone. Should I call the police? Am I calling to obtain the rescue of the other man or to bargain for the arrest of his faithless friend? How will I describe him? Will they know how to find an Australian aborigine on the street? Will they believe me?

A Lethargy

Posted on August 11, 2002 in Weather

The present heat wave burns everything good from my brain.

Watching for the Red Storm

Posted on August 11, 2002 in Weather

You can’t see this heat. It show up uneventfully and squats.


Faux News

Posted on August 9, 2002 in Journalists & Pundits

Casting for this entertainment included a whore who wore a sleeveless blouse and a diamond choker; a good girl who covered her arms; and a wimpy middle aged geezer chosen for the fact that he wasn’t especially handsome and so could be easily replaced in the fantasy of the average male.


Mercantile Madness

Posted on August 8, 2002 in Lucre

At last! The Emperor Norton T-Shirt, Mug and Tote Bag!


Camel Toes

Posted on August 8, 2002 in Sexuality Whimsies

Now Karen and Kelly Caldwell both have me paranoid: each either implied or said straight out that she looks at crotches.



Posted on August 7, 2002 in Reflections Whimsies

My friends assured me that astrology always spoke the truth — as did numerology, palmistry, bibliomancy, UFO paranoia, the visions of self-proclaimed psychics, and whatever guru or gura happened to be popular at the moment.



Posted on August 7, 2002 in Misc

….wrote a kind and generous apology. For my part, I wish to apologize for anything extreme that I might have said about her here. She, like you and me and everyone else, is a buddha struggling to be realized.


Agent Provacateur?

Posted on August 7, 2002 in IRC/Chat

In this day when the Attorney General raises the most corrupt of snitches to an honored place at the table of citizens — over those who work for peace and justice — one can’t be too careful.



Posted on August 7, 2002 in Quizzes

No, I’m not addicted.


Crazy Tracy vs. the Vatican

Posted on August 6, 2002 in Pontiff Watch

I can’t for the life of me see why the Vatican doesn’t think that women are fit to preach the Gospel.


Events I am glad to have witnessed

Posted on August 6, 2002 in Memory Whimsies

I promised I’d do this.

  • My marriage to Lynn
  • The party at which I met Lynn
  • The 1991 March against the Gulf War in San Francisco
  • The landing of the first men on the moon
  • The safe return of the Apollo 13 astronauts
  • Shaking the hand of George McGovern
  • The resignation of Richard Nixon
  • The Watergate Hearings, especially seeing John Dean telling the truth
  • Touching the grafitti left by Lord Byron at Sounion, Greece
  • Seeing the Sistine Chapel and the Vatican
  • Witnessing the struggles of peace activists in Osijek, Croatia and Beograd, Serbia
  • Talking to Slovenia and Makedonian activists after the fall of Yugoslavia
  • Seeing the Hale Bopp comet and staying right here on earth.
  • Meeting Bella Abzug at Pomona College.
  • Shaking the hand of Geraldine Ferraro
  • Seeing how people helped each other after the Quake of 89
  • Al Gore’s statesmanship after the Supreme Court decision that selected George Bush
  • Seeing Steven Jobs roll by on roller blades
  • Observing the annual Clampers’ celebration of Emperor Norton Day
  • Reading Catch 22 for the first time
  • Seeing Lyndon Johnson come to San Bernardino to operate the elevator he used to run
  • My first meeting with my niece Uhuru who was born three months prematurely and has survived

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