Posted on July 12, 2006 in Psychotropics
I can just imagine the line that showed up for the clinical trials
Posted on July 11, 2006 in Driving
There is something about going down a road with stretches so long and deserted that you can see the next car coming at you from half a mile away. I saw a coyote pass in front of me last night, here next to the Irvine Ranch lands and the gravel pits. I didn’t have my glasses on so all I saw was a low, gray blur.
Tonight, I saw no coyote. Just the moon which looked like a bright lamp shining through a double-over piece of mosquito netting. I marked its acned face as it found the dark silhouette of hills and peeked over them.
There were many cars, almost like a lesser city street. And Don Jose fingered his balls while he sang of his lust for the Woman of the Ram.
Posted on July 11, 2006 in DBSA Support Groups and Conferences Responsibility Therapy
Some tell me that I should become a therapist. I say that I can’t because to do so would entail my losing the comradery I have with my fellow bipolars. I know of one bipolar who is being educated in a therapy profession. It worries me that this person will soon be in the position of a therapist in a support group with me. Will her point of view be held up above others just because she is a therapist? What can I do about that?
Posted on July 11, 2006 in Coronary
Not everyone who saw will agree, but which of them could see into my heart? My heart IS the root of the question. You see, when I get a little stimulated, the blood flow through my coronary arteries increases. Problem is that I have a congenital defect. The arteries are narrower than they should be. This means that I begin to shake with very little agitation.
I can forgive how people mistake this for aggression or a prelude to an explosion. Every time I feel puzzled by the reaction, I must recall that most of them do not know. It frustrates me when I am being constantly misread.
Posted on July 10, 2006 in Psychotropics
“I’m a businessman and I want to help you.”
Posted on July 10, 2006 in Gender Liberals & Progressives
This might explain why women vote Democratic and men Republican:
Statistics released by the U.S. Department of Education suggest that men are less likely than women to earn bachelor’s degrees.
Educated people tend to have a better sense of ethics and vote for liberals over conservatives.
Posted on July 9, 2006 in Photos Psychotropics
The only things I could do — with difficulty — were take photos and give dictation to my wife.
Posted on July 9, 2006 in Routine
There are pines, sharp stones on beaches where Lynn is. Here deep green mugwort shoots up among the yellow grass. I count the hours until Wednesday.
Posted on July 9, 2006 in Neighborhood
Last night, I went for a walk with a neighbor and her dog, a black greyhound named Hallie Berry.
Posted on July 8, 2006 in Glands Psychotropics
aside from Depabloat, what are the options for treatment?
Posted on July 7, 2006 in Mania Prose Arcana
I’ve become fascinated by this bit of goo — it is my life, you see, flying and crashing into the arms of — what? — disaster?