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What about the Glass?

Posted on March 15, 2004 in Words Writing

Whether the glass is half empty or half full, it’s going to make a wishy washy noise when you shake it.

square126.gifThis cliche has lived too long: The half-empty vs. the half-full glass. People pointing at each other saying “you focus on the air too much, you are a negative person”. Do this: Calculate the amount of water in the glass. Whether you call it half-empty or half-full there’s the same amount of water. The same amount of starvation, the same incidence of AIDS, the same number of bodies in Iraq.

Don’t defend the metaphor. It’s merely a clever way to abuse others. Focus on solving the problems.

Then there’s the other matter: think of yourself holding up the glass as crocheted ocean waves wet your feet. Why is that hard-walled transparent tube so damned important?

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