Posted on January 11, 2005 in Accountability
The Usurper is touting “his” (Congress allocated the money) increased aid program for tsunami victims. What no one is asking is what is being factored into the amount? For example, how much of this is going into keeping military ships afloat and military aircraft aloft — in other words, defense spending which would have happened anyways? How much is actual aid?
Then there’s another question: could this be a military operation in disguise? When George W. Bush starts talking about long term aid to a region aboil with Islamic rebellion — the region around Aceh, Sumatra — I have to ask if we’re readying ourselves to engage in the Indonesian civil war. That government has told aid workers not to stray out of the capital.
Remember we’re not sending the Peace Corps over there. Part of our troops have been deployed. Doubtless the weapons they carry cost more than the humanitarian relief. We should be asking is this true relief or a military operation or pork barrel for defense contractors. The UN plans to deliver a dollar by dollar account of how relief money is spent on a website soon. We should expect the same from our own government.