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Fucking the Gay Family

Posted on December 18, 2006 in Gender Morals & Ethics

square149James Dobson is about as unethical a pundit as they come. I will not call him an expert in anything aside from prevarication. The inestimable Dr. Dobson has struck again, this time selectively quoting research to lambast Mary Cheney for having a baby. “Two mommies do not equal a mother and a father,” Dobson cries out, leaving out citations that suggest that two gay parents may be more than adequate to raise a healthy and ethical child.

The miscited researchers have written to the amoral autocrat of Christian morals asking that he cease quoting them. (See here and here.)

Dobson’s vollies on the so-called Culture Wars have picked on the likes of Sponge Bob, a suspected agent of tolerance for homosexuals. The pop psychologist took it upon himself to publically announce world forgiveness for Mel Gibson’s anti-semitic outburst last August. And he was in the vanguard of deception in the Foley scandal when he suggested that the accusations were nothing but a joke by Congressional pages.

His attacks on Mary Cheney may signal a shift in Republican politics. The extreme Right may be showing signs of dispensing with the so-called family values crowd. And a desperate Dobson may be attempting to be the glue that fills the chasm. One must wonder about a man who spends hours of him time upholding a few stray and sometimes unclear phrases about sexuality while ignoring the multidinous retorts against greed, the far more prominent sin of our day. But then, one cannot trust a man with a media empire to speak out against his profits. He will sooner dispense with prophets.

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