copy W

Posted on January 6, 2007 in Courage & Activism Internet Privacy

Bush wants to know what you are writing. He says that he doesn’t need no stinking [[warrant]]. He can go in at any time at all ’cause he’s the pResident. (Makes you wonder what he’s been up to behind those closed doors. Is he really making a plan to control Iraq or to control us?)

My pal Bill the Lawyer has a plan and he asks you to be part of it:

Let’s all make it easy on W. Send him a copy of every letter you send by U.S. Mail. At the bottom, make sure you put “copy George W. Bush.” Your co-workers will really be impressed. Tell them that you know George wants to know what they are doing at work. That will impress them, also. Or they’ll think you’re a lunatic. The U.S. Postal Service delivers 212 billion pieces of mail a year … even if 1/100th of 1% of that mail is copied to the White House, that’s almost 100,000 pieces of mail a day going to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20500. And while you’re at it, copy Dick Cheney with all your e-mail or take a moment and drop him an e-mail right now. He’s been pretty quiet of late.

This could be more fun than a [[Google Bomb]].

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