Home - 2002 - December

Month: December 2002

New Year Thingamabobber

Posted on December 31, 2002 in Memes

As far as I know, he’s not litter box trained like my cats are, so if you put him on your web page, please don’t blame me if you find yourself changing his diapers now and then.

Dana Point 1

Posted on December 31, 2002 in Photos

You can Play….

Posted on December 31, 2002 in Site News

You can play “Name that blog!”


The Death of Ambrose: An Exorcism

Posted on December 31, 2002 in Cats

I knew that putting him down was the right thing under the circumstances. That decision was clear. I needed the break mostly for myself. Not to sooth my feelings, but to throw something in the face of God.


Someone Said It….

Posted on December 31, 2002 in Whines

To quote Ezra Pound: “What thou lovest best still remains/the rest is dross”. I’m confident that’s not a fact (Ambrose wasn’t dross), but perhaps there’s an attitude worth adopting.


Some personal rules for criticism

Posted on December 30, 2002 in Writing Groups

As much as I hesitate to state anything in a postive, I enjoy the writing group. Tonight I was one of the two people with work on the table. I’ve been learning how to sort through criticism as a result of these meetings.


The Sins of Our Spouses….

Posted on December 30, 2002 in Crosstalk

Everyone who disagrees, please raise your hand. OK. How many times have you been married or shacked up?


Facing the Invisible Mark

Posted on December 30, 2002 in Neighborhood

Nobody is saying “This is going to be your year, Joel. I can feel it” as they did last year.


Karen’s 12 Days of Christmas – A Haiku Cycle Not for the Young

Posted on December 29, 2002 in Festivals Humor?

The “poetry” which is hidden on the second page of this entry was written in (dis?)honor of Karen Zipdrive….


The Spectre Leaves A Note

Posted on December 28, 2002 in Cats Grief

I see the spectre and yet I also see the man.


Justifiable Spectracide

Posted on December 28, 2002 in Reflections

I think that I must kill the anthropologist.


Thoughts after watching “Pollock” again

Posted on December 28, 2002 in Attitudes Writing

It’s the madness of a saint wanting a desert all to himself

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