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Aortal – Pulp Friction

Posted on December 12, 2002 in Aortal

I’ve been a supporter of the InterNet as “folk revolution” as long as I have had an email account (since 1988). Aortal.com is not a network or a portal, but a movement of bloggers who, each week, promote another blog. This is a Thursday series. I encourage others to do the same.

The name “Pulp Friction”, I suppose, means many things — including that intended by the pseudonymous Karen Zipdrive — but based on my visits to her blog and the comments I’ve seen her drop elsewhere, I think of a vagina worn raw by a vibrator.

I won’t be buying her one this year to replace the ones she’s undoubtably worn out between girlfriends. The current one’s named Aviva and lives in Montreal. They’re spending Christmas together. Alas, judging from a recent entry, we won’t be seeing much blogging by Karen during the visit. I suppose we’ll even be denied her in-depth commentary and predictions about Survivor.

Karen takes potshots and writes lists about just about any raunchy topic in the world. This is her second blog — I have no idea where she hides the first — which she began by declaring:

I had a blog, then too many people I knew were reading it, then I had to watch what I said. So this is my new one. Here I go.
Oh hell, I have nothing to say yet.

To fully appreciate Karen’s perversity, you have to read what she writes elsewhere. So far I’ve caught her in a few places such as Techfluid, Crazy Tracy, and the Grey Bird Talks. I wouldn’t trust her to mind my blog while I was on vacation, to tell the truth, but reading what she does to other people has been hysterical — such as the time when Grey Bird went to Germany and left Karen and chari of the good karma in charge: the two of them competed mightily for grotesqueness and absurdity.

I give the edge to Karen. For a change of pace, though not a total descent into bathos and bawdy ridiculousness, give Pulp Friction a read.


If you should decide to participate in Aortal and, further, if you should decide to point to me some week, you can use this graphic. Here’s the link code:

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