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Month: January 2007

Insert Trite Metaphor About a Corral #20

Posted on January 8, 2007 in Roundup

A day of murmuring “big stories”.

The Wrong Actress

Posted on January 7, 2007 in Film

square170Jennifer Hudson should not be up for Best Supporting Actress in Dreamgirls. It was her show. She should be nominated for Best Actress and [[Beyonce Knowles]] relegated to the Best Supporting Actress nod. Call it a matter of time onscreen and import to the story. Ignore the screen credits.

This isn’t the first time that such a major booboo has been wrought by the awards-blacksmiths. Dr. [[Haing S. Ngor]] portrayed the war-tormented reporter [[Dith Pran]], appearing onscreen for nearly all of the 141 minutes. He acted in English, French, and Khmer. Yet the best actor nod went to [[Sam Waterson]]. Ngor won the Best Supporting Actor award the same year that [[F. Murray Abraham]] won for Amadeus. Were Hollywood voters saying that Ngor wasn’t good enough to compete with the big boys?

Insert A Trite Metaphor for a Corral #19

Posted on January 7, 2007 in Roundup

The sky seems to be the place to go.


Take PH off the Air at KSFO

Posted on January 7, 2007 in Courage & Activism Hatred Media

Where there’s a wrong, there’s a wrong.


Insert A Trite Metaphor for a Corral #18

Posted on January 6, 2007 in Roundup

Let’s see what gifts of the Magi have come today


The Dark Has A Fierce Voice

Posted on January 6, 2007 in Weather

The dark has a fierce voice that rumbles the rafters and makes the windows whine.


copy W

Posted on January 6, 2007 in Courage & Activism Internet Privacy

Bush wants to know what you are writing. He says that he doesn’t need no stinking [[warrant]]. He can go in at any time at all ’cause he’s the pResident. (Makes you wonder what he’s been up to behind those closed doors. Is he really making a plan to control Iraq or to control us?)

My pal Bill the Lawyer has a plan and he asks you to be part of it:

Let’s all make it easy on W. Send him a copy of every letter you send by U.S. Mail. At the bottom, make sure you put “copy George W. Bush.” Your co-workers will really be impressed. Tell them that you know George wants to know what they are doing at work. That will impress them, also. Or they’ll think you’re a lunatic. The U.S. Postal Service delivers 212 billion pieces of mail a year … even if 1/100th of 1% of that mail is copied to the White House, that’s almost 100,000 pieces of mail a day going to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20500. And while you’re at it, copy Dick Cheney with all your e-mail or take a moment and drop him an e-mail right now. He’s been pretty quiet of late.

This could be more fun than a [[Google Bomb]].


Fifty Questions

Posted on January 5, 2007 in Memes

Will Brady did it before me.

  1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? Damn. There’s that bald spot.
  2. How much cash do you have on you? Why? Are you planning to rob me?
  3. What’s a word that rhymes with “DOOR?” Floor. Not the best question.
  4. Favorite planet? [[Titan_(moon)|Titan]], which is technically a moon, but very cool because of a story I read yesterday. Seems that they discovered lakes of [[methane]]. I hope that this time I can get in on the shoreside properties at a decent price.
  5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone? My adopted sister.
  6. What is your favorite ring tone on your phone? This question proves that there are people who have less of a life than I do.
  7. Do you “label” yourself? Well, yes and no. The name “Joel” is a handy label for people to refer to me by. It’s rich with meaning.
  8. What shirt are you wearing? Blue longsleeve with very skinny white and yellow stripes.
  9. Name the brand of the shoes you’re currently wearing? Materialist little meme isn’t it? Saloman
  10. Bright or dark room? It was dark until I turned on the lights so I could read the brand name on the shoes.
  11. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you. I don’t know him personally but we’ve exchanged some cordial emails and comments. He’s a happily married man, just like I am.
  12. What does your watch look like? Who needs a watch when you have a cell phone?
  13. What were you doing at midnight last night? Reading In the Shadow of the Winter Palace. Damn, those Tsars had the life. Would have hated to live in a country where only one person was free, however, even if I was that person.
  14. What did your last text message you received on your cell say? Happy New Year.
  15. Where is your nearest 7-11? Damn. I can’t think of one closer than Orange, about twenty two miles away.
  16. What’s a word that you say a lot? Cat.
  17. Who told you he/she loved you last? My wife, of course.
  18. Last furry thing you touched? Virginia Mew who was in one of her lovey moods and kept pressing herself against me, reminding me of the closeness that a dolphin has to the water
  19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days? Done as in recreated? None. Nine if you count the medicines. Ten if you insist on the chocolates.
  20. How many rolls of film do you need developed? Two.
  21. Favorite age you have been so far? Dunno, but it sure wasn’t 48.
  22. Your worst enemy? There’s a loaded question. Decline to state. Person will let it go to their head. Big enough ego trip there to start with.
  23. What is your current desktop picture? A picture of some white alders in Holy Jim Canyon.
  24. What was the last thing you said to someone? “No” to a realtor who asked “Is this house for sale?”
  25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly what would it be? Being able to fly would be great just so long as I also knew how to land. Hate to lose my ability to walk. The best things in life, after all, are free.
  26. Do you like someone? ? Like, have a crush on someone? My wife, of course.
  27. The last song you listened to? The finale of La Boheme. MIMI!
  28. What time of day were you born? In the evening.
  29. What’s your favorite number? 47. The official [[Pomona College]] number.
  30. Where did you live in 1987? [[Menlo_Park%2C_California|Menlo Don’t Park on the Street Between Two and Five in the Morning]], California
  31. Are you jealous of anyone? Not at this time.
  32. Is anyone jealous of you? Sure. Sometimes they read this blog and get all hot and bothered.
  33. Where were you when 9/11 happened? In bed. It was early here on the Pacific Coast. Not even nine.
  34. What do you do when vending machines steal your money? Give ’em a good kick, threaten to turn them into metal scrap, and then walk away with a sigh.
  35. Hey Will! You left one out!
  36. If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be? I would be on my arm and it would be henna.
  37. If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be? Tough choice, but I think I’d pick Spanish.
  38. Would you move for the person you loved? Of course! She makes the money! I’d better have plenty of mood stabilizers on hand.
  39. Are you touchy feely? When I express my emotions, I like to leave a bit of air.
  40. What’s your life motto? Ignore the idiots.
  41. Name three things that you have on you at all times? My glasses, my wallet, my wedding ring.
  42. What’s your favorite town/city? Tough call. San Francisco, Paris, [[Ljubljana]] all come to mind.
  43. What was the last thing you paid for with cash? Dinner at Charro Chicken.
  44. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it? Fuck. Been a long time.
  45. Can you change the oil on a car? On older models. Not sure about the truck and Lynn’s car.
  46. Your first love: what is the last thing you heard about him/her? Another been a long long time.
  47. How far back do you know about your ancestry? I can go back to Denmark in the 17th century.
  48. The last time you dressed fancy, what did you wear and why did you dress fancy? Thanksgiving, 2004.
  49. Does anything hurt on your body right now? My lower back.
  50. Have you been burned by love? Who hasn’t? No sense brooding over it. Not at my age.


Insert Another Trite Metaphor For A Corral #17

Posted on January 5, 2007 in Daily Life

OK, Hussein’s hanging continues to be a big story. It’s my roundup.


Friday Anteater Blogging – A Giant Comes to Orange

Posted on January 5, 2007 in Xenartha

The graduating class at the University of California at Irvine has taken up a collection to bring a giant anteater to Orange County.

Their effort contributes to an ongoing project at the zoo to build a half-a-million dollar grasslands exhibit to house greater rheas, guanaco, and the Giant Anteater – which would be a new addition.

I think they should name it Spout.


Sneaky Spammers

Posted on January 4, 2007 in Site News Spam

Wordpress users might find comments that half-sound like they are “on topic” but refer back to nonexistent blogs and email addresses.


Normality Revisited

Posted on January 4, 2007 in Bipolar Disorder

I was writing like a Leo Strauss-trained neoconservative last night when I blogged about normality. Rewriting it helped only a little. Here’s another, briefer try for the users of Cliff’s Notes:

square166I separate the normal/abnormal axes from the sane/insane ones. When I use it, normal and abnormal refer to brain function. As a bipolar, my brain does not function normally. Due to misfires among the neurons, I experience the discharge of weird thoughts and perceptions. These are not normal: people who do not have my biochemistry do not have them to the degree that I do.

Sanity and insanity are terms which have been used in a different way from how I use them here. Usually they refer to an individual’s ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Faulty brain chemistry can contribute to this inability, but I have already designated them as abnormal. Because I can’t think of another term for it, I use sane/insane.

Sanity consists of one’s trained ability to recognize one’s mental states as normal or abnormal. I declared that a person who suffers from hallucinations, for example, can be considered sane if she knows that her hallucinations are not real. Likewise, I held out the likelihood that a person who persisted in believing a false premise against evidence could be called insane.

I cannot think of another pair of words that describe this second pair of conditions well. Suggestions are welcome.

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